Young bloggers from each of UNESCO’s five constituent regions
(Africa, Arab States, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and North America & Latin
America and the Caribbean)
in 1999, the Youth Forum has become an integral part of UNESCO’s highest
decision-making body – the General Conference. It brings together young
delegates from all over the world to exchange views, share experiences and
identify common opportunities and challenges. The
7th UNESCO Youth Forum of the 36th UNESCO General Conference will take place
from 17 to 20 October 2011.
part of the 7th Youth Forum, UNESCO will be offering five young journalists and
bloggers the opportunity to participate in the Paris event. Journalists and
bloggers who are selected to attend the 7thUNESCO Youth Forum will be able to
network with youth delegates from 193 countries, with key members of
international organizations and with non-governmental organizations.
journalists and bloggers have three roles: Firstly, they will ensure internal
coverage of the Forum through blogs, articles, video clips, radio coverage and
other relevant mediums. Secondly, they will be responsible for reporting news of
the Forum to their regional and local communities, networks and organizations.
Thirdly, they will accompany the action of youth delegates in implementing the
recommendations of the Forum in the regions.
General requirements for youth journalists and bloggers are:
- Be
below 30 years of age - To
have journalism (online, print, photo, video, radio) and/or blogging experience - To
have a working knowledge of English and/or French. Knowledge of another of the
six official United Nations languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French,
Russian, and Spanish) will be an asset
travel and accommodation for the selected youth journalists and bloggers will be
covered by UNESCO.
documents required for the application are the following:
- CV
- A
brief cover letter. - Online
articles, videos, etc which prove journalism experience. - Name
and e-mail of two references from people who are familiar with the work of the
youth blogger.
should be sent to with
the reference “Youth blogger application for the 7th UNESCO Youth Forum” no
later than Thursday,
September 15, 2011.