Judy Austin Muoghalu, a Nollywood actress and the second wife of popular actor, Yul Edochie, has adopted his surname on her social media handle.
KanyiDaily recalls that in April, Edochie unveiled his second wife, Judy Austin, and their baby despite still being married to his first wife, May Aligwe, for 17 years with four kids.
In June, the actress faced backlash after she described herself as “Her Excellency Judy Austin Yul-Edochie” while thanking God for his numerous blessing in her life.
Despite the outrage trailing her marriage to the actor, Judy Austin has now edited her Instagram bio and replaced “Muoghalu” with “Yul-Edochie” as her surname.
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KanyiDaily recalls that May Edochie recently recounted her experience with depression after her husband, Yul Edochie took a second wife, Judy Austin Muoghalu.
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