Davido Abandoned Imade Because I Refused To Sleep With Him – Sophia Momodu

Sophia Momodu, the first baby mama of music star Davido debunked denying him access to their daughter, Imade Adeleke.

These come amidst an ongoing legal custody battle between the two over the care and welfare of their child.

Sophia Momodu accused Davido of abandoning their daughter for the past two years because she refused to sleep with him.

Momodu’s accusations were laid out in a detailed response to a lawsuit Davido filed against her regarding Imade’s custody.

In his lawsuit, dated April 17, 2024, Davido petitioned the court for joint custody of Imade and for unrestricted access to her.

The singer argued that he has been consistently involved in Imade’s life, providing for her education, housing, and general welfare.

He claimed that Sophia had begun making unreasonable demands, which complicated his ability to maintain a stable relationship with his daughter.

Davido’s legal filing emphasized his commitment to his daughter’s well-being, highlighting his financial contributions, such as paying for her school fees and providing accommodation.

In her response, issued through her legal representatives, Punuka Attorneys & Solicitors and Bimpe Ajegbomogun & Co., Sophia Momodu painted a starkly different picture.

She recalled that the estranged lovers had two relationship spells from 2014 to 2017 and 2020 to 2022, during which Davido “provided financial support for their daughter, covering school fees, rent, and other living expenses.”

Hower, since their breakup in July 2022, Sophia said Davido has not only failed to provide consistent financial support but has also distanced himself from their daughter.

Sophia claimed she’s received several threats from Davido over her refusal to make herself available to him sexually.

According to Sophia, Davido has missed important occasions, including Imade’s birthdays and Christmas, leaving the young girl distressed and questioning her father’s absence.

Sophia ended the relationship with David in July 2022. Since then, David has repeatedly threatened to make Sophia’s life miserable if she does not make herself available to him sexually.

“Sophia has never denied him the opportunity to see his daughter. He has not reached out on special occasions such as her birthday or Christmas for the past two years, which has left his daughter distressed and questioning why her father has cut contact with her,” the statement reads,

Despite this, Davido allegedly continues to post pictures of Imade on social media, creating a false narrative of being an involved and supportive father.

One of the most serious accusations Sophia made was that Davido has threatened her over her refusal to continue a sexual relationship with him.

She asserted that Davido had repeatedly threatened to make her life difficult if she did not comply with his demands for intimacy.

Since July 2022, David has not fulfilled his financial responsibilities towards their daughter, leaving her school fees unpaid. Their daughter’s school has contacted him multiple times regarding the fees for the 2021/2022 school term and January 2023, with no response.

“Legal counsel was sought in February 2023, resulting in David’s father, Mr Adedeji Adeleke, eventually paying the outstanding fees.

“Regardless of this neglect Sophia strongly maintains that the most important support David can provide to their daughter is his presence and emotional support,” the statement added.

Sophia also claimed that despite her efforts to establish a formal co-parenting arrangement, Davido’s legal team has been uncooperative, exacerbating the strain on their relationship.

The statement from her legal team highlighted that every attempt to negotiate a mutually agreeable resolution has been met with resistance, with Davido’s lawyers refusing to engage in constructive dialogue.

Sophia stressed that while she has never denied Davido access to their daughter, she has firmly rejected his advances towards a personal relationship, which she believes is the root cause of his retaliatory behavior.

In her statement, Sophia highlighted the emotional toll that Davido’s absence and threats have taken on her and Imade.

She expressed a desire to move forward with her life free from harassment and verbal abuse, wishing Davido well in his public relationship but insisting on the necessity of boundaries.

Sophia emphasized that her primary concern is the well-being of their daughter and that any further legal or personal disputes should be resolved with Imade’s best interests at heart.

David is in a publicly known relationship, and Sophia wishes him well. She seeks to move forward in her life free from harassment and verbal abuse,” the statement concluded.

KanyiDaily recalls that Sophia Momodu recently escalated her feud with Davido by serving him with a cease and desist letter.

Tobias Sylvester

Tobias Sylvester is the news editor for Kanyi Daily News and is based in Lagos. Contact Tobias at editor@kanyidaily.com. Got a confidential tip? Submit it here

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