Nigerian Actor ‘Alex Ekubo’ and Fiancee ‘Fancy Acholonu’ are ready to tie the Knot this time for real as they announce their wedding Dates!!!
![Alex Ekubo and Fiancee Fancy Acholonu Announce Their Wedding Dates!!!! 1 Alex Ekubo and Fiancee Fancy Acholonu Announce Their Wedding Dates!!!! 1]()
On 8th May They promised us a wedding date and They have lived up to it by announcing their wedding dates.
Kanyi Daily prior reported how Alex Ekubo Is Ready To Tie The Knot With Fiancé!!!By promising us the wedding date today 10th May
The wedding is set to hold on Nov. 20th for the traditional wedding in Imo State and Nov. 27th for the Church Wedding in Lagos.
- Congratulations to the latest couple!!! #falexx2021