Hermes Replied that the bag is a counterfeit copy. That means it’s fake.
I bought two at the same time cos i can afford it! And i’ve been looking for these babies for at least two years! I can afford to buy a N500m house but cant afford a $14K bag? Bitch pls!!!!
Don’t worry darlings, I’ll take all these down later but let’s clarify this. So I bought the bag for 14 thousand dollars on Sloan street, Uk. In Naira, thats would be how much again? That would be about 4.8 million Naira. Damn Linda!
The Label…this lovely bag cost me more than these haters cars cost and they want to disgrace me online? Lol Lailai
And while we are still at it…this Dolce & Gabbana bag cost $10K. Thats how much now in Naira?
Her fans are still not convinced anyway; more than a few people are insisting she should show the receipts to lay the accusations to rest – which again shouldn’t be a problem to Linda. Because on more than one occasion, Linda and her kid sister, Laura have shared receipts of their purchases in Dubai with their followers on social media.