Mbu made the utterance yesterday at the state’s Command Headquatres after monitoring the election in some parts of the state. He was asked of his opinion on what he thought was responsible for the peaceful conduct of the elections, and he replied saying:
“Generally, people are becoming more and more mature, sensitive and reasonable.
“And anyway, the statement I made, which generated a lot of (controversy); people misconstrued it all over, but that also helped the police because people say, ‘this man has come o and whatever he says, he means it’, and that also instilled fear in them.
“Go and check all the places where I have served, how many people have died? We don’t kill that way. But you have to instill fear so that people will have more respect for the police.”
“You know how police were perceived those days, but now police give orders and people say police cannot do anything. But with those few words (I said), people are now scared and say, ‘if you misbehave, police are going to react’. Now we have succeeded as far as I am concerned.”