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America’s White House pastry chef Bill Yosses has quit, and partially blames first Lady Michelle Obama’s focus on ‘healthier’ eating.
Former first lady Laura Bush hired Yosses in 2007, but the Obamas brought a new attitude in 2009 that often frowns on fatty, decadent desserts.
‘I don’t want to demonize cream, butter, sugar and eggs,’ he told The New York Times, quipping that leaving the plum White House job was a ‘bittersweet decision.’
It was noted that while the famed New York restaurant pâtissier has been replacing butter with fruit puree, and using honey and agave nectar instead of sugar, he was never fully on-board with changing how he made tarts, cakes, sugar sculptures and other yummies.
Gone are the days of full-fat, traditional desserts, America’s first lady has championed healthy eating, especially for children