The world-famous South African paralympian says in his first statement since he shoot and killed his girlfriend on Valentine’s Day last year that it was a “devastating accident” He released the statement on his website and announced with a tweet which reads ”A Few words from my heart”‘
No words can adequately capture my feelings about the devastating accident that has caused such heartache for everyone who truly loved – and continues to love Reeva.
The pain and sadness – especially for Reeva’s parents, family and friends consumes me with sorrow.
The loss of Reeva and the complete trauma of that day, I will carry with me for the rest of my life.
– Oscar
Mr Pistorius, who is known as “Blade Runner” for the carbon-fibre blades he runs on, was arrested on St Valentine’s Day last year after shooting Miss Steenkamp three times through a locked toilet door in his Pretoria home. He claimed he thought she was an intruder. The prosecution say he shot Miss Steenkamp, 29, a law graduate and FHM model, after a row. Mr Pistorius is due to stand trial at Pretoria’s High Court on March 3 for premeditated murder and possession of 38 unlicensed bullets discovered when police searched his home. ——-if you missed the story, read more about it HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE