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Young girl sleepwalks through open window, falls five storeys onto street

An 18-year-old girl has been left seriously injured after she sleepwalked through an open window and fell from the fifth

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”Black Alien” who sliced off his ears and lips is considering amputating his legs

A man who's real life ambition is to transform himself into a 'black alien' has revealed he's contemplating cutting off

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Flight Delayed After Passengers Received Death Threats And Skeleton Pictures Before Take-Off

A flight was delayed for over two hours after passengers were sent death threats and horrifying pictures Passengers were already

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Young girl sleepwalks through open window, falls five storeys onto street

An 18-year-old girl has been left seriously injured after she sleepwalked through an open window and fell from the fifth

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”Black Alien” who sliced off his ears and lips is considering amputating his legs

A man who's real life ambition is to transform himself into a 'black alien' has revealed he's contemplating cutting off

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