The life-affirming tale of Precious Donatus Ogbonna and her controversial babies is yet to be over as she has delivered another baby, the same way she...
Naomi Campbell’s Russian billionaire boyfriend, Vladislav Doronin, gave the supermodel a 25 bedroom house shaped like the Eye of Horus on the Isle of Cleopatra in Turkey...
“When I die, the money you want to spend for my burial, use it to benefit the people who have no benefit in life. The dead...
This United Nations can make me go gaga….why suspend travels to Nigeria over a blast…why is Nigeria so unfortunate…. NIGERIA is painfully having to lick more...
A photo of Michael Jackson lying dead in a hospital bed was shown in a courtroom today and jurors heard a shocking audio tape of a...
I wonder who that lady is and where on earth Genevieve Nnaji is?
Chiamaka Abanofor has just emerged the Miss West Africa USA 2011. As a little girl, her parents always called her “Omalicha” or “Bekee” which means “Beautiful...
Pregnant women who eat low-fat yoghurt can increase the risk of their child developing asthma and hay fever, a study says. Asthma UK says pregnant women...
Here’s the new video for his track, ‘Young Erikina’ which was directed by Patrick Ellis
The State Security Service, SSS, has announced a N25 million reward for anyone that will provide information that could lead to the arrest of the mastermind...