
4 Reasons Why He Won’t Go Down On You – Karen E. Young

A friend of Mine Karen wrote this on her blog and i decided to share it with my readers Oral…

Quack Doctor Removes Patients Kidney While Curing Headache

  The Police have arrested a butcher/fake doctor who calls  himself "Dr. Abdukadir Abdullahi after he removed the Kidney of 23-Year-Old…

Woman Gives Birth To Baby Holding A Rosary

  Barely three months after the reported birth of a baby with a mini-Quran in Mushin area of Lagos state,…

Famous anorexic identical twins die in house fire as troubled, tortured lives end just as they predicted

A pair of identical twins, who became famous through their desperate battle with anorexia, have died in a house fire.…

Please Help Lets Save Debbie

Her name is Debbie Idiagbonya Osarere, a 28 year-old lady. She has had two operations before now when she discovered…

Guard Rapes Imbecile, Says: I Dont Know What Came Over Me

I dunno what that is...not the actual woman, i pulled the image from google. Emmanuel Isong, a security guard in…

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