
Woman Kills Husband For Forgetting Her Birthday

A woman killed her husband because he forgot her 45th birthday. Lyalya Tupikova told police that her husband Khalpik failed…

Flying cars: Alternative to traffic jams, flight delays?

t's a bird! It's a plane! It's a car with wings? A robotic duck? No. In the words of its…

Is This Fair?

Pictures are said to be of a reminder of Memories...can someone pls tell me what this ladies will be thinking…

Can You Spot The Difference…

Compare and contrast 9ja will never stop to amaze me.

Does He Look Like Your Grandpa

if (window) {window(document.getElementById("latency-8026613749625192247")); } Does this man in any way look like his in his seventies? His 77year old designer,…

Something For The Guys

The deviceabove is called Viberect, a gadget designed to tackle the issue of erectile dysfunction in men It's a handheld…

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