This is a promo for a fellow blogger’s effort to get people writing and reading in Nigeria. The full details are at her website, Dianah’s Place. All you have to do is write a piece with the Theme “Make Each Day Count For Good”
500-1000 words max
No obscenities
Nigerian residents Only
Full names Must be included in the mail
MAKE EACH DAY COUNT FOR GOOD should be the email subject to
To qualify just follow @diai227 on twitter and follow her blog
1st Prize- N10,000 and the piece gets published on DianahPlace Rant n’
Rave page, twitter: @diai227 and on Facebook- Dianah’sPlace
2nd Prize-N5,000 and the piece gets published on DianahPlace Rant n’ Rave page, twitter: @diai227 and on Facebook- Dianah’sPlace
3rd Prize- Piece gets published on DianahPlace Rant n’ Rave page, twitter: @diai227 and on Facebook-
Give it a Trial…Goodluck Friends.
Source: MyneWhiteman