Her name Funmi Oduyemi.She is the fly and well connected daughter of the late Man of God-Pastor Gabriel Oduyemi,the founder and then General Overseer of the Bethel Ministries Inc, Pastor Gabriel in his life time was described as a flamboyant Pastor because he was unapologetic about preaching on Prosperity, and what he preached he also displayed personally, he left to be with the Lord in 2005 a tthe age of 67
Funmi Oduyemi is the Gospel singing daughter of the Late Pastor, who was one of the contestants on the prestigious- BET Sunday’s Best Gospel Singing Competition, where she got to represent Nigeria in 2010,the gorgeous and very stylish damsel is 27 years old.
It has been revealed that the wife of a former lover of the pastor’s daugter made the private pictures public. He is identified as Ese Morede.

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since they voluntarily took nude pictures of themselves without anybody putting guns to their heads I do not see why u shld be protecting them by blocking these pictures. Please do not block these pictures. Once they are in the public domain, they shld be viewed by all unedited.
It's disgusting people like you that are the rot in this world. Were the pictures taken for the public? No they were not. These pictures are someone's personal items. You the commenter and the blogger are both disgusting base lowclass people. The blogger is just posting this here to attract viewers and hopefully mimic some of Linda Ikeji's success but all you're doing is proving that you're yet another of the millions of hopeless non-blogger losers that don't have even one creative thoughts in their heads.
Stop invading the privacy of Nigerian women and slut shaming women and come into the twenty first century where real human beings live.