Ghana, Benin Republic and Kenya ranked higher than Nigeria in the latest report by
the World Economic Forum (WEF)’ 2012 Global Competitiveness on best countries
for business.
Nigeria managed to occupy the 127th position while other
African countries like Gambia, Kenya, occupied the 99th and 102 position
In global competitiveness index, Nigeria was ranked 127
out of 142 countries in 2012, 127 out of 139 in 2011, 99 out of 133 in 2010 and
94 out of 134 in 2009.
In the report, which was published at the
weekend, Republic of Benin ranked 104, Ethiopia, 106. Senegal, Zambia, Ghana and
Malawi were also ranked above Nigeria by occupying the 111, 113, 114 and 117
position respectively