![Blind Beggar With Pinging Swag 1 Blind Beggar With Pinging Swag 1](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/400546_4182836502181_1381475379_n.jpg)
You see, this is why i dont give them money…… This is a blind man asking
for money, look at his hand on his ears, his talking to someone..You can imagine a blind beggar with 2 phones. Naija has expensive beggars sha! I once gave a
beggar 50naira, he looked at my hand and said he wanted 200naira..I sighed and took my money bag…Smh
for money, look at his hand on his ears, his talking to someone..You can imagine a blind beggar with 2 phones. Naija has expensive beggars sha! I once gave a
beggar 50naira, he looked at my hand and said he wanted 200naira..I sighed and took my money bag…Smh