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An adult-film performer is claiming he had a threesome with Kim Kardashian and another female porn star at a Los Angeles swingers’ party in 2001,
reports RadarOnline.
There have been plenty of allegations about Kim Kardashian’s sex life and sexual history, but it’s particularly questionable as to why porn actor
Julian St. Jox would decide to disclose the details of an alleged sexual tryst more than 10 years after it supposedly happened…Continue to read the details in his own words.
St. Jox claims that 20-year-old Kim showed up at the Wyndham Hotel in Culver City around 11:30 p.m. with a black man, who may have been her then-husband, music producer Damon Thomas, though it’s not clear if he was her escort to the party.
“She wasn’t known at the time at all, not like today, but for everyone who frequented these parties, she was interesting because she was a new face,” explained St. Jox, who told the website that he and his date, a fellow porn actress named Emily Ann, were instantly interested in Kim and propositioned her, which led to some heated dancing.
St. Jox alleges that the three of them later found a private room, and got to know one another intimately. “[Kim] looked like she was enjoying herself very much,” the 45-year-old adult entertainer claimed.
Fans of “
Fifty Shades of Grey” might be interested to know that St. Jox claims Kardashian was “a little submissive, but she was good. She knew what she was doing. She was very responsive to me.”
A rep for Kardashian has denied the claims, but a second source confirmed to RadarOnline that the threesome took place.
It’s always in bad taste to discuss a former (alleged) lover, but it’s far from the first time that Kim’s sex life has been made public knowledge.
“We were like animals; sexually free to try anything, and we did. For years KK and I had a great sex life,” he wrote. “There was more to our relationship, but the majority of it was about our wild and extreme sexual chemistry. She was a straight freak who was down to do whatever, whenever and that seriously hypnotized me.”