The executors of Michael Jackson’s estate, who pay the rent on the home his mother, Katherine Jackson, shares with Michael’s three children, have sent a letter banning Michael’s siblings Randy, Jermaine, Janet and Rebbie Jackson and co from the house.
“After an incident where Randy, Jermaine and Janet Jackson crashed through the gate and tried to remove Michael’s kids from the home, a new security list of who was allowed in has been made.
Last week, Katherine Jackson announced plans to file for joint custody of the three children with the late King of Pop’s nephew, T.J. Jackson — who is Tito’s son. Katherine temporarily lost guardianship on July 25 after a Los Angeles Superior Court judge ruled that she had been unable to oversee the children properly due. The judge installed T.J. as a temporary guardian for Prince, Paris and Blanket. ( I guess you all know TJ, he’s the guy who took Kim Kardashians Virginity. Read about it HERE.) and to read about the screenshot which Micheal Jackson’s son released that implicated Janet Jackson click HERE. meanwhile continue reading to see the full list of those banned.
Last week, Katherine Jackson announced plans to file for joint custody of the three children with the late King of Pop’s nephew, T.J. Jackson — who is Tito’s son. Katherine temporarily lost guardianship on July 25 after a Los Angeles Superior Court judge ruled that she had been unable to oversee the children properly due. The judge installed T.J. as a temporary guardian for Prince, Paris and Blanket. ( I guess you all know TJ, he’s the guy who took Kim Kardashians Virginity. Read about it HERE.) and to read about the screenshot which Micheal Jackson’s son released that implicated Janet Jackson click HERE. meanwhile continue reading to see the full list of those banned.
Also last week, the estate’s lawyer, Howard Weitzman, sent the letter, which states, “Following the events of July 23 in which certain members of the Jackson family showed up unannounced at the Calabasas residence of Michael Jackson’s mother and children, causing a very public disturbance, the attorneys for the Estate of Michael Jackson as lessees of the house were requested by Charles Schultz, attorney for TJ Jackson, Jr., the newly appointed Temporary Guardian for Michael Jackson’s children, to send a list to the security gate of people neither TJ or the children wanted allowed on the premises in view of the incidents that had just taken place.”
The letter continues, “Given the circumstances of the last two weeks, and in order to protect the children and Mrs. Jackson, the Executors believe that it would not be appropriate to allow the following individuals to enter the residence or its grounds and we instruct the security to preclude the following from entering the residence or the grounds: Randy Jackson and any of his children, Janet Jackson, Rebbie Jackson and any of her children, Jermaine Jackson, his wife and any of his children, Janice Smith (Katherine’s assistant), or anyone else who was involved in the recent events that led to Mrs. Jackson’s separation from and inability to communicate with Michael’s children, or any agents or representatives of any of these individuals.”
The letter continues, “Given the circumstances of the last two weeks, and in order to protect the children and Mrs. Jackson, the Executors believe that it would not be appropriate to allow the following individuals to enter the residence or its grounds and we instruct the security to preclude the following from entering the residence or the grounds: Randy Jackson and any of his children, Janet Jackson, Rebbie Jackson and any of her children, Jermaine Jackson, his wife and any of his children, Janice Smith (Katherine’s assistant), or anyone else who was involved in the recent events that led to Mrs. Jackson’s separation from and inability to communicate with Michael’s children, or any agents or representatives of any of these individuals.”