is; beautify your house or go to jail! What the Lagos State
Commissioner for Environment Tunji Bello said today…
It is now mandatory for tenement/owners and
occupiers to landscape and beautify the perimeter areas of their
properties. A violation of this would attract N250, 000 or the amount
the state would incur if it decides to carry out the beautification, or
six months imprisonment or other non-custodian sentences…also anyone
caught felling trees in the state or trimming them without permission
would be fined a minimum of N50, 000 or sent to one year imprisonment.
is also an offence to walk on lawns and gardens. Urinating, defecating
in any of the parks, gardens and open spaces; loitering or soliciting
for illegal purposes, smoking and dumping refuse among others in the
parks are also offences.” The commissioner said
Lagos State
government want Lagos to be as beautiful as Singapore. Hehe! There’s
even an agency that will implement the law; it’s called the Lagos State
Parks and Gardens Agency, LASPARK, which was inaugurated yesterday. So
please people, start planting flowers in your houses o! 🙂
via LindaIkeji
I agree with the concept of making our environment look more attractive, but to enforce it without any financial assistance to the landlords and tenants is most certainly a violation of their human rights – If the Govt. is sincere about how they want Lagos to look, let them start by repairing and tarring all the side roads and streets; prevent the flooding Lagos State continues to suffer from almost after each rain fall; and provide street lighting (that works) throughout Lagos state. If they take the lead, I am sure it will not be long before landlords and tenants see it fit to join in with such a beautification project. One only has to look at the state of some of the terribly painted and worn out lagos State Govt. buildings and Local Govt premises to understand why the Kettle should not be calling the pot black! Lagos State should lead by example and stop looking for ways to extort the poor public of their meagre finances.
Na wa oh if state don turn to USA wen d country stil be Warri. Shey dat one make sense ni?
LMAO, what is Lagos turning to?
This was a wonderful thread really enjoyed the information !…