A seven-month-old girl was taken to hospital Saturday by concerned parents after an area just below her jaw swelled up to the size of one and a half golf balls with a pimple on top. After initially diagnosing an infection, doctors were shocked when they discovered a two-inch-long black feather had got lodged underneath Mya Whittington’s skin……continue reading
Aaron and Emma Whittington first took their nearly seven-month-old daughter to Hutchinson Regional Medical Center, Kansas on Saturday after the area below her jaw swelled up.
‘They thought it was a swollen gland,’ Aaron Whittington said.
The hospital administered an antibiotic and sent the family home.
Mya’s grandmother took her back to the hospital after a ‘pimple’ appeared on the swollen area, which had now grown to the size of about one and a half golf balls, Aaron Whittington said.
The physician suspected a staph infection on her lymph nodes.
A doctor broke the pimple to try to drain it and drew marks on her face to measure whether the swelling increased. The intravenous antibiotics were continued.

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