If there is one lady that has eluded the media when it comes to bad records its Beyonce Knowles, but this time she was caught off guard forgetting for a split second that the paparazis will never let any mistake pass by. Do you see anything? closer shot when you click read more below
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why can't celebrities be mindful of how they leave the car knowing that paparazzi is always there for them literally? *smdh* that said, jay z should buy her panties please…
Dis gal yash na nonsense oooooo,jay Z shul luk 4 sm1 else cos beyounce pussy don cast, luk @ lolz hahahhhahahahahhhahahha, paparazi u bad guuuuuuun
Dis babe yash don shrink finish oOoooooo lolz hahhahahahhahaha
Dis gal yash na nonsense oooooo,jay Z shul luk 4 sm1 else cos beyounce pussy don cast, luk @ lolz hahahhhahahahahhhahahha, paparazi u bad guuuuuuun
What is dis now cha why dont dey celbs be so careful