Muritala Mohammed Dabba & wife |
The name of the pilot who flew the ill-fated helicopter that crashed yesterday is Murtala Mohammed Dabba (Picture above)…..May his soul and those of the other passengers rest in peace Amen!
So long as we continue to deploy our military pilots & turning them into glorified air taxi drivers to convey public office holders to what is purely a private event, thus over stretching the military and the equipment’s they operate, we will continue to lose our very best to untimely death.
Sad we lost former National Security Adviser Andrew Owoye Azazi but it is important to ask in what capacity was late Azazi able to deploy a naval helicopter and even invite Governor Yakowa for a ride like the Nigerian Naval helicopter was a kabu kabu?
So many things are wrong with our country but ABUSE OF OFFICE and ABUSE OF PRIVILEGE is also classified as CORRUPTION
Below is the picture of the helicopter before the crash.

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Flew not drove always check this out, may his soul rest in peace.
Thanks dear…corrected