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The cab driver Bolton |
Rapper who bragged in his songs about keeping a gun in his Maserati is shot dead in the car in Vegas.
The driver of a Maserati who was killed in a drive-by shooting on the Las Vegas strip on Thursday bragged about stashing a gun in his $120,000 Italian sports car.
Kenneth Cherry, aka Kenny Clutch, was killed when men inside a black Range Rover opened fire on his car while he was sitting at a red light. He accelerated into the intersection and crashed into a taxi.
Cab driver Michael Boldon and his passenger died when the taxi burst into flames. Family members said Boldon had recently moved to Las Vegas to care care of his ailing mother.
Police say the shooting was the result of a fight that erupted in the nearby Aria Resort and Casino that escalated into violence.
Cherry was only beginning his rap career when he was killed.
He posted two videos on YouTube last year and each had gained only a few thousand views.
In ‘Stay Schemin,’ he rapped about hiding a pistol in his Maserati. Police have no said whether Cherry was armed the night of the shooting.
‘Maserati. Paid 120 for it. Stash box ‘cuz you know I got that semi for it,’ he sings.
The gunfire broke about about 4:20am PST when at least one person in the Range Rover opened fire. Several people were inside the vehicle, according to police.
Cherry’s Maserati sped through the intersection and crashing into a taxi cab, which burst into flames.
The driver of the Maserati, as well as the taxi driver and a passenger in the cab were killed in the fiery crash, police said. One witness said it was like a scene out of ‘Die Hard.’
Now authorities are trying to track down the gunman, who remains at large after fleeing the scene. Officials say the shooter remains armed and dangerous.
In a press conference this morning, Las Vegas Police Sgt. John Sheahan said the attack was not a rolling gun battle as previously described, saying that the cars were all stopped at a red light.
Sgt. Sheahan said police have video from traffic cameras at the intersection where the shooting occurred on Thursday.
Kanyi is the Founder & Editor-in-Chief of KanyiDaily.com.When she's not serving DAILY delicious scoops on Entertainment and news, you can find her reading a book by the beach.Keep up with Kanyi on Instagram and Twitter or through her email [email protected]
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