A young Brooklyn couple on their way to the hospital to welcome their first child instead lost their lives in a hit-and-run accident that somehow spared their infant son’s life. Nathan and Raizy Glauber, both 21 and residents of Williamsburg, were using a car service when a BMW sideswiped their vehicle at an intersection early today, reports the AP. Raizy Glauber died at Bellevue Hospital, where her son was delivered via emergency Caesarian section, while her husband was pronounced dead at Beth Israel Hospital. The infant is in stable condition and expected to live.
The expectant couple were rushing to a local hospital when the horrific crash happened, relatives said.
The impact sent the livery cab spinning onto the median and ejected pregnant Raizel Glauber into the street, her body coming to rest under a parked tractor trailer. First responders had to cut the roof off the Toyota Camry to extricate Nachman Glauber and the livery driver.

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dis is serious
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