A two-day trial slated to begin in June was scheduled by a Henrico County judge for an aspiring Virginia rapper by the name of Wafeeq Sabir El-Amin,27, who is accused of shooting his friend, reports the Richmond Times Dispatch. What really perplexed investigators was the alleged motive behind the violent act. According to prosecutors, El-Amin believed that murdering his friend would grant him membership into the Illuminati and ultimately hip hop stardom.
“You are my sacrifice,” are the words that El-Amin is alleged to have said to his friend before firing a shot towards his head. The search warrant revealed that the victim woke up to see El-Amin standing over him with the gun. Things didn’t exactly go as the defendant may have hoped, though. According to reports, the bullet struck El-Amin’s friend in his hand, but he was able wrangle the gun from his attacker, shooting him in the stomach before fleeing.
Drugs are said to have played a role in the incident. Police say that El-Amin had used so much marijuana, that when detectives questioned him about the December 26th incident, he could barely remember anything that happened the entire month in which the alleged attack occurred. Deputy Commonwealth Attorney, Thomas L. Johnson revealed that in addition to recovering a pound of marijuana from El-Amin’s home, detectives also found a book that discusses the role that the Illuminati plays in the hip hop industry.
Johnson also suggests that El-Amin was obsessed with the career of 50 cent and that during this trial, he plans on exploring hip hop culture and the widespread belief that the secret society has a hand in the success of certain performers. Prior to this particular incident, the defendant has no criminal record.
El-Amin was denied bond. His trial is set to begin June 26th.