29 years old Ghanaian actor John Dumelo is said to have been keeping a very vital information about himself from the media and his fans all this while. According to Ameyawdeprah.com, the witty actor has been married for some time now and obviously nobody knows about it, perhaps to keep the ladies around him as always.
The reports indicates the actor is legally married in America but his marital status has always been single during interviews and everywhere he goes. What makes this shocking revelation even more serious is a copy of a marriage certificate from a Circuit Court in Arlington, Virgin Island indicating that John is married to Harrinia A Dembele. Harrinia, who is currently living in the US.
She is said to be a model/ actress also a Nurse in the US. No wonder John Dumelo travels to the US very frequently all in the name of acting…Peep the certificate when you continue.
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rumours mongers you guys should stop scandalising people name all in the name of you want to become popular.