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38-year-old Ms. Paulina Oghenemere, an indigene of Kokori in Ethiope –East Local Government Area of Delta State, fasted and prayed on August 27, 2010, to cast away the demon tormenting her life.
Yet, it was the devil in her green-eyed lover, a father of four, simply identified as Mr. Difference, that knocked on her door at 5 a.m. the next day, and since that ill-fated Thursday when he poured a substance, believed to be concentrated hydrochloric acid, on her face, Paulina’s life has never remained the same.
Paulina, the beautiful woman who men found irresistible was a shadow of her former self after she was discharged from University of Benin Teaching Hospital, UBTH, Benin City, two months ago. She spent a year in the acid victims’ ward. When Sunday Vanguard visited her home, she fumbled about her sitting room,unable to see, but eager to welcome the team.What came to mind was man’s inhumanity to man.
Today, Paulina, a divorcee and mother of two, needs a lifeline of N10 million to restore her dignity.
Why are men very wicked??
The heart of Man is desperately wicked who can understand it? is it by force tht a lady must continue having u as her lover? Dis Man will never know peace for making dis lady pass tro hell!