Emma Mcquiston has become the first Black Marchioness after she got married to British Viscount.
Emma the daughter of a Nigerian oil tycoon, Ladi Jadesimi first
made headlines two months ago when news broke that she might be getting married to the viscount and on Saturday 8th of June, she made history when she married the Viscount, thus becoming the first black Marchioness in Britain. (If you missed her earlier story, read it
It really is rather unfortunate that the Marquess’ parents chose to snub the ceremony and had the cheek to go to someone else’s wedding. It’s not like she’s after his money (Emma’s dad is an Oil tycoon!)
But let’s not dwell on the ugly part, instead enjoy another lovely interracial wedding. Another photo when you continue.
Doesn’t she look like a princess!
Congratulations to both of them, I hope you make beautiful babies soon ;o)
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