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Telecoms giant, Airtel Nigeria has partnered with online retail outfit, Konga, to offer consumers on the network with a range of enriching data service experience on purchase of any blackberry and smartphone devices from Konga.
The partnership which focuses on prepaid consumers of data services, offers customers who purchase any data enabled device from Konga, a free Airtel SIM and automatic 30% bonus on any purchased data bundle worth 200 MB and above in addition to 100% return on same the following month.
Also, customers stand to enjoy 18k per second for calls to all networks and 20k per second to five international destinations including US, Canada, UK (landline), China and India, 20 free SMS.
For Blackberry devices, a customer will be given a free Airtel SIM and be migrated to Smartbytes
proposition with all the attendant benefits in addition to free subscription for the following month.
To enjoy the free one month data bundle, customers are text KONGA to 141, on activation of
their preferred plan.
Speaking on the partnership, Airtel Nigeria’s Chief Operating Officer and Executive Director, Deepak Srivastava, said “the telecoms operator would continue to seek out reliable and efficient corporate partnerships that would support its drive to enhance customers experience in fulfillment of its promise to becoming the most loved brand in the daily lives of Nigerians.
Srivastava stated:
“This partnership with Konga highlights another side to the trademark
innovativeness with which we have been identified ever since we resumed operation in Nigeria.
We will continue to create ways to add value to the individual lives and corporate entities. This
means, whether you are an individual, corporate customer or a business partner, it is a win-win
experience for you. Our vision is to be the most loved telecoms brand in the daily lives of
Nigerians and we’re committed to achieving this through our range of bespoke products, value
offerings and pocket-friendly tariffs.”
In a comment after the announcement, the CEO of Konga.com, Sim Shagaya, expressed the importance of the partnership by stating,
“Almost one year ago, the people behind Konga.com set out on a journey to offer Nigerians a better shopping experience by emphasizing customer service, selection and convenience. Partnering with brands such as Airtel is an important part of this journey as it allows us to offer even greater value to our customers”.
The recent partnership with Konga attests to Airtel Nigeria’s strides in offering a superior telecoms experience to its millions of its customers since it began the transformation of the Nigerian telecoms landscape in 2010