Her name is Florence Ngwu and she is a 300L student of University of Nigeria Nsukka. Nobody knows who took her to the hotel or what her mission was but Hotel staffs knew she was lodged in the hotel and found her lifeless body on the floor..
We ladies need to be very careful about people we call our friends and boyfriends. Remember Cynthia Osokogu, the lady that was killed by her facebook friends in a hotel (Cosmilla Hotel) in Festac Lagos! (Read stories about her
A picture of Florence lifeless body when you continue;
UPDATE! – This Picture is from the movie ”murder at prime suites” MAPS!
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My God what is this
Girls didnt learn anything from cynthis osokogu's death
Runs gone wrong. she has gone to do runs and the man killed her.
wats runs???
Men are wicked
Zainab if men r wicked den women r mumu's. has she not been hearing about other gals?
Keep telling urself that
We ladies are always on d run to meet up with d trend of fashion, ie. to b nicknamed BIG GIRL. All these big girlism doesn't work. Know ur man/boy and girl friends. Bring them home, let ur people know whom they are. It will save us all these untimely death.
Only God kns what happened 2 her
Again!!!!! Na real runs gun wrong. It hasn't been one year since Cynthia died!!! Sad!!! Rip.
This ended up being on the movie for Murder At Prime Suite (MAPS)
Its jus bcos of fashion,all girls wan 2 meet up wit d tide
GOD not again..why won't our girls cool down and study..dis days every girl wants 2 own a car and fat acct b4 graduation.. See whr it has landed her now may God 4give her..rest in peace
It's quite a pity!but ladies shuld be very careful.things happen ev'ryday but still deaf ones are d victims!Dis shuld be a deterrent 2 others.r
May her soul rest in peace. Amen.
May her soul rest in peace. Amen.
Looool runs went wrong
Oh wat a sad story again,we girls should pls try nd learn to forget about runs nd always tell a close friend our whereabout. May her gentle soul rest in peace. Amen oh
No body knows weder na man or woman killid her all we should know is that every body must be very careful in life.
Smh! May her soul RiP
Wy do all of u keep saying runs runs runs mst Smwon b a runs girl before u Cn die or are u trying to say dat if ur siesta travels to smwer,loge in a hotel nd unfortunately dies den she's a runs girl? Common nigerians shld atop saying nonsense nd face reality of d fact dat one fin would surely kill a man nd it could be u or ur sista death is innevitable
Lol. U guys easy. Stop typing rip biko. Dis is a scene in d movie MAPS. She is an actress biko. Nigerians! Smh