A young man has been arrested for possibly infecting over 30 people knowingly with the HIV virus in just under 4 months.
Michael Johnson a 22-year-old Lindenwood University student and wrestler who is HIV-positive, has been sleeping with men unprotected and filming it for months. Investigators believe he could have knowingly infected more that 30 people with the virus since October.
Police report 32 videos have been filmed on Johnson’s laptop and each flick showed him with a different sexual partner. Most of the films have been recorded in his dorm room without protection.
The Daily News reports that Missouri’s St. Charles Police Department believes Johnson’s partners didn’t know Johnson has HIV nor did they know they were being filmed. St. Charles County prosecutor Tim Lohmar released a statement asking Johnson’s partners to come forward, telling Missouri’s media outlet KMOV: “It’s a matter not only of their individual safety but public safety as well.”

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Na wa oo.things are happening…