Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo, the controversial daughter of former Oyo State governor, Victor Omololu Olunloyo wrote this open letter to Gays and Lesbians in Nigeria. Read below:
To all the Gays and Lesbians in Nigeria, keep your head up. You are being driven away from your country. Canada and any EU country will take you on Asylum status. You are not wanted in Nigeria. You will be jailed 14 years and I your supporter 10 years. Go to a country that can use your expertise and where u can live in peace and contribute to that country’s quota and be safe.
As time goes on, change your citizenship. Nigeria does not want you or love you. Our government says it’s not OK to be yourselves. They train our ppl and children to be fake. They attribute homosexuality to the bible yet they have broken every single 10 commandment. Many people will end up killing you via vigilante justice one day like in Uganda.
Leave before its too late. Do not closet your entire life. Good Luck and Best Wishes in your travels. Most of u gays have my number already if you need help with the asylum process. Call me if you need me as I know you all individually.
Dr Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo @HNNAFRICA on Twitter.
Is it a joke or wt,wt type of letter is this?she better repent today b/4 it will be 2 late 4 her.Lesbian sorpoter