A woman who could not stand the pain of losing her husband to another woman has been arrested for allegedly setting her husband, his new found lover and their daughter ablaze, leading to their death.
Peter Amos Asobayire, 35; his wife, Felicity Asobayire, 25, and their two-and-a-half-year-old daughter, Sarah Asobayire, were burnt beyond recognition.
The suspect, Efua Badu, 33, popularly known as Saman Kwenim, allegedly set fire to a can of kerosene and threw it through the window of the uncompleted abode of the family at Dome CFC at about 2 a.m. Monday.
Two other occupants of the building, Tanko Asobayire, 28, and Michael Amanguri, 25, however, escaped unhurt as they were said to be sleeping in another room in the building.
Badu, a chop bar operator, was said to have been married to Asobayire for seven years, during which period they had two children, a six-year-old boy and a two- year-old girl.
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