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Oh…I remember the 1st two weeks of marriage. Its what gets you to the 1st yr anniversary…
Things change after marriage…now the real game begins of acceptance, forgiveness, prayer, communication, endurance & balance. You may have these things before marriage….Often that's what makes us marry but like any degree of law its a definite level of cards…
Trust in God & it shall be well. Marriage is between two people and God…the families are there to witness your 1st day of party rice…but dont like them pitch a folk between your marriage. It wont cook well.
Oh…I remember the 1st two weeks of marriage. Its what gets you to the 1st yr anniversary…
Things change after marriage…now the real game begins of acceptance, forgiveness, prayer, communication, endurance & balance. You may have these things before marriage….Often that's what makes us marry but like any degree of law its a definite level of cards…
Trust in God & it shall be well. Marriage is between two people and God…the families are there to witness your 1st day of party rice…but dont like them pitch a folk between your marriage. It wont cook well.