An embryonic baby was flushed prematurely and abandoned at hall 8, female hostel of the University of Calabar, UNICAL yesterday evening.
My source in the hostel told me;
“I was outside our hostel browsing when all of a sudden I saw girls running into hall 8, at first I was afraid thinking it was a fight but when I drew closer I discovered it was not a fight but rather a dead baby abandoned in one of the bathrooms of the hostel soaked in a pool of blood”.
The baby should be about 3 to 5 months and The mother is yet to be identified but I’m sure she’s in hall 8″.
After about two hours of consternation amongst the students, the dead baby disappeared and no student was willing to say who had taken the body away. I was told that the dead baby had been taken away inside a plastic bucket by unknown people to an unknown destination while some other sources said the baby has been buried.