A 28 year old woman in India gave birth to conjoined twins after she was too poor to have an ultrasound during her pregnancy.The baby, born via C-section and weighing 7lbs 7oz, has two heads, two necks and two spines but only one body.Doctors now fear the baby girl, yet to be named, has slim chance of survival.
Dr Malik who delivered the baby said:
‘The parents are very distressed and we are helping the family the best we can.We only came to know she was carrying conjoined twins after an ultrasound two weeks ago but it was too late to do anything by then.Now the baby is born we will do our best to save her and we hope to operate once her condition is more stable.’
Conjoined twins who share a single body have dicephalic parapagus – an extremely unusual form of conjoinment. Because they share the same body, it is not possible to separate dicephalic parapagus twins.
See another Indian co-joined twins
HERE and More photos when you continue
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