**Mother became first in the UK to have both procedures on same day**
**Says lashes became sparse after repeated use of false lashes**
**Had 35 hairs from head sewn into eyelids to repair damage**
**For her ‘naturally thin’ brows, 400 hairs from her head were implanted**
**Hair continues to grow as it would on the head and must be curled and trimmed every two weeks**
A mother-of-four has made medical history by having an eyelash transplant and eyebrow transplant at the same time. Elizabeth Cook, 36, from Harlow, Essex is the first patient in the UK to have both procedures on the same day. Both operations were carried out at Manchester’s Crown Clinic by surgeon Asim Shahmalak, hair loss expert on TV’s Embarrassing Bodies.
Dr Shahmalak performed the eyebrow transplant in the morning and the eyelash transplant in the afternoon – and Mrs Cook, 36, was even able to leave the clinic that day.
A strip of hair was taken from the back of her scalp and the individual hair follicles removed. The surgeon then transplanted the new hair into her eyelashes and brows.

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