Acclaimed singer and current Director General of National Centre For Women Development Onyeka Onwenu, was a guest on Channel’s TV Sunrise Daily yesterday and she spoke on the abducted Chibok school girls. She expressed her reservations about the case and also called out Professor Wole Soyinka for referring to the First Lady as ‘that woman‘ in the interview he had with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.
What am saying is that, is it at this time we have to vilify the person of the First Lady who did the right thing by inviting these people? A lot of that has gone on and I take offense at this even as a woman. When I hear someone like Wole Soyinka referring to her on CNN as that woman, something in me boils because there is a lack of respect for women. This has happened not just with this first lady but with every single first lady and perhaps its when they have passed away or when they’ve left office that we suddenly realize the contributions that they’ve made and these women work very hard and care and love this country so it really offends me to see her vilified and I was at those meetings and at no point did she say Oh I don’t believe the girls were taken.”
The video when you continue…..
I saw this coming after the interview with Wole Soyinka on CNN with Amanpour