So Nicki Minaj who supposed to release Anaconda album last week but post-phoned it till further notice and MediaTakeout says the changes was made to accomodate Queen Beyonce who will be releasing a new song with Nicki. In Bey’s original track, she raps:
Momma taught me good home trainingMy Daddy taught me how to love my hatersMy sister told me I should speak my mindMy man made me feel so God damn fine, I’m flawless!
But in the new track ALLEGEDLY, Beyonce raps this:
Momma taught me good home trainingMy Daddy taught me how to love my hatersMy sister told me I should speak my mindThese n*ggas out here make me feel so God damn fine, I’m flawless!
Notice how she changed “my man” to “these n*ggas” Lol.
And Media-Takeout further claims:
“She ALLEGEDLY took more DIRECT SHOTS at Jay in the track – speaking SPECIFICALLY about her marriage – and saying that it’s “not perfect” and had a line where she said something about “leaving”. But it’s CLEAR AS DAY that Bey was taking SHOTS AT HER MARRIAGE on the track – it’s not subtle AT ALL.”
READ: Checkout Before And After Looks Of Nicki Minaj Killer Curves On ”Anaconda” Cover