This is GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!
This evening, Minister of Health said Doctor Ameyo Stella, a Senior Consultant at First Consultant hospital, Obalende Lagos, who was infected with the Ebola disease by the late Liberian-American Medical Terrorist Patrick Sawyer has miraculously recovered.
She has been discharged from the Quarantine / isolation center in Lagos.
This is so unbelievable…and it’s still a mystery how she beat the virus. Hoping our Government will tell us what miracle took place.
It’s a pity that American Government has refused sending Zmapp to us and classified the Nano Silver drug created by a Nigerian Doctor in America as pesticide and not fit for human consumption.
Thank be to God. May all Honors and Praises be HIS in CHRIST JESUS…..Amen. I am so happy to hear this. Plse, i there any drug or drugs now to treat and cure Ebola?.