There was an Ebola scare today among Arik Air passengers flying from Lagos to New York when a 63-year-old United States citizen flying from Lagos died of a heart attack about an hour before the Arik Air plane landed at Kennedy Airport on Thursday, October 17, 2014.
The man boarded the JFK-bound flight filled with about 145 passengers on board yesterday night (Wednesday, October 16, 2014) but died mid air before arriving New York.
Flight attendants called the CDC, Port Authority and customs officials, who then boarded the plane in protective gear as it touched down, forcing the 145 worried passengers to remain on board while the authorities conducted tests on the body.
After a short evaluation, he was declared Ebola free which promped concerns there are still ‘vulnerabilities’ at airports.
Meanwhile, the duration of the test conducted on the corpse didn’t go down well with a lot of people who described it as “very brief” pointing out that the test to detect the deadly disease should take longer than the few minutes it took the officials.
Among them was a Republican congressman, Peter King who wrote a letter to the Department of Homeland Security in that regard.
Find the letter when you continue…..

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They confirmed he had no Ebola anyway