Nicki Minaj has switched her whole game up. After busting the windows of a Mercedes Benz she purchased for her now ex Safaree Samuels, Nicki has moved on to the next.
Meanwhile Safaree has removed two of the three tattoos he had of Nicki.

Nicki explains in her new song “Bed of Lies” she ended the relationship because Safaree was cheating on her.
But last week a person on social media claiming to be one of Safaree closest friends, stated that Safaree left Nicki because she was a violent witch and feared for his life.
I don’t know how true this is, but it takes a special kind of person to break the windows of a Mercedes Benz.
Nicki has been getting a lot of backlash for the Nazi inspired video for her new song “Only” .
