Over 69 people were yesterday burnt to death when a fuel laden truck lost its brake while descending a hill in Upper Iweka Onitsha.
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The truck was descending from Army Barracks side of Onitsha-Enugu Expressway, lost control, rammed into the Asaba Motor Park at Upper Iweka, Onitsha, and exploded.
Eleven vehicles, mostly commuter buses and two motorcycles inside Asaba Park, and the fuel tanker were completely burnt to ashes.
Very graphic photos when you continue, viewers discretion strongly advised.
The Nigerian Red Cross Society officials were the first to arrive the scene of the incident. The society’s Chairman, Professor Peter Kathy, said:
“Presently, we have 69 people burnt to death and 30 casualties. “The dead have been evacuated to various mortuaries in Onitsha. “The tanker driver lost his break while descending the hill from Boromeo and Army Barracks end of the Onitsha-Enugu Expressway towards Upper Iweka.
“Instead of looking for a wide gutter to break his speed, he veered into a park, where commercial vehicles were taking on passengers. Most of the people that died were inside vehicles in the park.
“If the driver of the tanker were alive, he would have been arraigned in the court because it is multiple murder. He was reckless. He knew he was fully loaded with petrol and yet he decided to direct his vehicle into a motor park.
“He does not care for human lives. How can you veer into a park where you know buses were filled with people, when the road is wide enough for you to control your vehicle?”
If the driver of the tanker were alive, he would have been arraigned in the court because it is multiple murder. He was reckless. He knew he was fully loaded with petrol and yet he decided to direct his vehicle into a motor park.
“He does not care for human lives. How can you veer into a park where you know buses were filled with people, when the road is wide enough for you to control your vehicle?”
For God's sake when a vehicle is without break the driver have minimal control over it. .Upper iweka is always crowded and i am still wondering where the driver could have directed the ill fated tanker without causing damage!
Whoever that made the last comment is is a lunatic. .That the driver knew he was fully loaded with PMS and the road is wide enough..We all know upper iweka is always crowded besides, the driver never knew he would have break failure.If he knew,he would ve parked the tanker at the depot!
Lol – some people will soon tell u the driver changed into a butterfly and flew away.
Nobody wants to die lol!. .It is a shame! !! Some people were caught up in this..May their souls rest in peace…..
Please when did this happen?
May the souls of the dead rest in peace
God have mercy. Protect ur children
Jesus Christ
Lord have mercy