If you’re older than 25, then you more than likely know prom isn’t what it used to be. What once was just about having that one final good time with your friends before leaving home to start college, has turned into the Oscars red carpet.

For the past couple of years, high school seniors have been dressing to the 9s, 10s and 11s for their “night to remember,” with completely beat faces and glamorous gowns that would put our prom pictures to shame. On the flip side, we’ve also seen some *head tilt* peculiar outfits that don’t quite hit the mark…not even within a mile! However, one high school senior didn’t just hit the mark; she crushed it!
Making its rounds on social media is Kyemah McEntyre’s utterly amazing, beautifully designed, fantastically gorgeous (and all the other adjectives) Afro-centric prom dress.
The 18-year-old first debuted the floor-length stunning creation on Twitter, posting a series of pictures of her stunting in her dress while also sporting an enviable afro. She captioned the images,
“When European Ideals and standards of beauty mean absolutely nothing.” The tweet ended up getting over 2,000 retweets.
She later shared another tweet, showing her support for girls mislabeled as “ugly” and “angry.”
“This is for always being labeled as, “ugly” or “angry”. Thank God, stereotypes are just opinions.” Amen!
Kyemah, known as Kye, isn’t just beauty, she’s also brains. The talented artist sketched and designed the flowy, eye-catching number while Markell Evette of Markell’s Closet turned her vision into a reality. The red V-neck dress was also just as popular offline as it was online as Kye took home prom queen at her high school prom.

The 18-year-old also dropped an atomic knowledge bomb that made us think that despite what the ratchet side of the Internet shows us, this generation may not be doomed after all.
Via her Instagram page,
I’m Kyemah McEntyre, I am 18 years old, and I am undoubtedly of African Descent.
As an artist, I have a completely different point of view compared to most individuals. I am extremely analytical and observant. Throughout the world, we have people who do not notice each other’s essence and humanity.
We stunt our collective spiritual growth by allowing assumptions and stereotypes to cloud our mind and thus our physical reality. We let these negative ideas get the best of us, and in turn a world of isolation is manifested by our lack of sensitivity and desire to sympathize with each other. This results in a world in which people live within the confines of their own space, isolated from each other and separated from the rest of the world.
Sometimes we get trapped in our own prejudice ways. We don’t notice how the idea of a particular type of person changes the way we live our lives. The most creative people are the ones who step out of their comfort zone and take advantage of the world around them.
My abilities as an artist allow me to experience the benefits that versatility fosters.
Being exposed to all kinds of people and cultures is the muse for my artwork. I am an aspiring artist who is very passionate about the connection between art and the world.
I believe that in order for society to gain a wider horizon, we have to be willing to acknowledge other people from differences, beliefs, morals, and values. I would like to take this moment to say that you have to understand who you are because if you leave that space open, you leave your identity in the hands of society.
Don’t let anyone define you. Beautiful things happen when you take pride in yourself. #blackgirlsrock #kyebreaktheinternet