Happy birthday my husband and would be ex-husband James Alphonso Campbell the most wicked and violent man I have ever known in my life. May this day be the beginning of the time you will pay for all your crimes.
May God never allow you to skip judgment and may your wickedness be serve as a birthday cake as you celebrate for the rest of your life.
As you turtured me day and night when I was in your house may the laws of this country catch up with you one day .
I survived your cruelty towards me because God was on my side but now is the time for the whole world to know the marriage I was in and why I used my hard earn money to file for divorce.
See you soon in court James A Campbell
If you look closely at the pictures, you’ll send that Florence was heavily pregnant when her husband was abusing her. The photo below is what she looks like now
She shared the image below on her facebook page with the words:

Gone are those days when people think they owned the law and there is no justice in Sierra Leone. It is true that some people get away with certain crimes but not in all cases, So no one should try to take advantage of me or any woman i know inrespective of “ethnic group or race”, because i know the rules of engagement in anything I decide to do.
However what works for Peter might not work for you so becareful with what you do to us … I may be weird but it is true ……i have dedicated my life to support an African woman feel proud, respected ,productive, vigilant and feel like any other woman in this world.
Yesterday she shared this:
I am very proud of myself to know that i finally opened up because I have been silent for too long. I didn’t speak out for peace making or sympathy sake but rather to reassure women who are still going through torture and inhuman treatment to stand for their rights.
I was lucky to have survived it but the question is will others be lucky as I was?
It is true this is my personal life but i want to use my story to stop domestic violence in Sierra Leone and it neighbouring countries if I have to. I am not ashame of those pictures and i will never be because my silence will endanger other women’s life including my daughters instead of saving their life’s.
Do u know how many women out there whose life could change because i told my story from it natural face and careless about what people with shallow mind will say about me. My story will go down to history shelves and be told to My children’s children because i have the heart to say no to Domestic violence. I have chosen to be on this part of life because i am a survivor…..so help me God.
# And for the records I will appreciate if people could separate my corporate life from my personal life #@ don’t confuse the two.
Earlier today she wrote this:
Friends, family, sympathisers and Co – victims.I thank you and appreciate all your support you’ve given to me but you have to remember me in your prayers as the real battle starts from today because divorce proceedings will start in high court and that means I shall no longer discuss the matter in question here. But you can send me messages and i promise to respond to all of them. In God i put my trust.
It’s a pity that a lot of women go through domestic violence and are either afraid to speak up or are ashamed of what society will say.