YOU! You are pretty, you got brain cells too! IF only you would just try a little harder…you could use your brain cells to start an enterprise and regain your self-respect!
But NO!! You would rather remain a RUNS GIRL!! Wear your N100,000 weaves, your fake azz lashes, fake, bleached skin, over painted face etc just to go meet/sleep with that old married millionaire! Sure, he would give you perhaps….N500,000? N1,000,000??? For another round of ‘priming and primping’ yourself up for another visit?
ALSO READ: Super Rich Single Nigerian ladies!!!
Baby girl, you can, I believe UTILIZE that connection better than the ‘pay after service’ you are now rendering! Oh, by the way, he got other gals like you on his bed-pay-roll! Plus his wife/wives and kids etc!
Me just think you should think smarter! Get him to INVEST in a business for you! Give him a business plan! Start up something! I am sure you would do very well!
I love to refer to the life of Ms. Coco Chanel a lot.,…do you know that her career was started off by her man? Marriage was off the table and she went for her career full force! #ThinkAboutThat.
Why I am saying this? …Because I have looked around Nigeria and I see so many girls truly into real businesses with integrity and they doing damn pretty well! YES, You can too! More young ladies need to be empowered to stand tall with pride. Nigerian women are NOT lazy! take a look at the local markets, see how they even carry babies on their backs to sell huge loads of wares!
I have massive love for a Nigerian woman who determines that she would make it! Because they do! Which is why I believe that those that can raise capital and get into more businesses should!
Plus, it is about time Nigerian women take away that arrogance from Nigerian men who assume that all ladies are that cheap! You go talking business with a man and next thing he deviating to personal crap! You see? You made them think all women ‘want their money, for a lay’!! Heck No! You are making the rest of us hardworking , serious, talented, risk-taking-entrepreneurial, praying & slaying females look bad!
Also Read: How To Spot A Fake Abuja Girl