Our phone camera’s can do so much more aside taking selfies. Below are things you can do with your phone to make your life easier…..
(1).Learn about the stars
If you’ve ever looked at the night sky and wished you had paid more attention in science class, then you should download Sky Map For iOS or Android (formerly Google Sky Map) or SkyView for iOS or Android. With these apps you can point your phone’s camera at a star or constellation and the app will tell you what you’re looking at. They even work during the day to show you the position of the stars you can’t see.
(2) Use your phone as a security system
If you have an old phone lying around you can use it for home security. CNET explains the details in their article on how to turn your old phone into a home security camera you can watch from anywhere. Read here.
(3) Give visitors your Wi-Fi info
Write down your Wi-Fi name and password, take a photo and keep it in your gallery. When people come for a visit you can easily text them the photo.
(4) Get all those business cards out of your wallet
Install a scanner app on your phone that uses your camera to scan your business cards, analyzes the information and stores it in your contacts for you. Here’s an article with some good scanner apps to try.
(5) Solve math problems
Need to help your kid with some math homework, but you’ve forgotten everything you learned in math class? Download Photomath and take a photo of the equation. The app will take you through the process of solving the equation step by step and give you the answer.
(6) Find out your exact measurements
The MTailor app uses your phone’s camera to measure your body so you don’t have to — useful for clothes shopping. All you do is stand in front of your phone. The maker claims the app is 20 percent more accurate than a tailor. As of right now, the app is just for men.
BodyRecog is another app that measures your body using your camera. Once the measurements are taken, it gives you health recommendations based on the data it collects.
(7) Keep a visual list of favorites
Open a new notebook or page in OneNote or Evernote and start a visual favorites list of certain brands you want to remember. For example, when you find a wine or beer you like, snap a photo of the label and save it in your favorites list. The next time you head to the store, you’ll know exactly what brand tickled your fancy. No more standing in an aisle, scratching your head for 10 minutes while you try to remember that beer you discovered at your brother’s cookout last week.
(8) Know everything
Install Google Goggles and you can find information about just about anything with a click of your camera. Simply take a photo of something you want to know more about and the app will search for information about the object. You can also use the app to cheat at Sudoku. You can look at a product in person, and buy them online.
(9) Find the best deal
If you’ve ever stood in a store and wondered if you should shop around before making a purchase, look no farther than your phone. Apps like ShopSavvy, Price Rhythm and Quick Scan will scan the bar code of the item and look for deals online and in brick-and-mortar stores. Lol this really dont work in Nigeria so wont include links.
(10) Make makeup easy
Take a photo of your foundation, blush and lipstick labels so you’ll always know what shade to pick up at the store without having to memorize names or numbers.
(11) Play a game
You can use your phone’s camera to play augmented-reality games. For example, Pokemon Go lets you feel like you’re hunting for Pokemon in the real world. Ingress is an augmented-reality game that has been downloaded over 8 million times and Zombies Everywhere! lets you battle zombies in your neighborhood.
(12) Save your neck
Does your neck hurt right now? It may be because you’re leaning over your phone to read this article. The app Text Neck Indicator LITE uses your camera to watch your head and alerts you when you’re using poor phone posture. Learn more about text neck and this app.
(13) Be safe in an emergency
Write down what you are allergic to, what medications you take and your emergency contact information. Take a photo of the information. Then, make the photo your phone’s lockscreen photo in case someone needs your information and you’re unable to speak or incapacitated in some way.
(14) Get help after a robbery
Take photos of all of your credit cards, your car’s license plate and your car’s VIN number. Now, if your wallet or car is stolen, you’ll have all the information you need to report it to the credit card company or police. Store these photos in a locker app like Folder Lock or AppLock to keep them safe from scammers.
(15) Talk to your animals
With the right setup, you can talk to your animals while you’re away using your phone, a tablet and Skype.
Below are other things you can do with your camera.
1. You can view your old negative films content by setting the color effect to “Negative”
2. Snap your friend with the item he borrowed from you, then you’re going to remember it the next time you’re going through your photo gallery.
3. If your phone have a front Camera, then your phone can double as your Mirror.
4. With apps like Tiny Flashlight + LED, your phone can double as your Torch.
5. With apps like IP Webcam (Android), you can use your phone as a Security Camera or Surveillance Camera.
6. With Augumented reality games, you can use your phone as a Game-pad.
8. With apps like Heart beat rate (Android), You can measure your heart beat rate.
9. You can check your remote control dead batteries by pointing the camera at the top of the remote, and push a button on the remote while looking into the camera. If the batteries are dead or the button you pressed is faulty, you wouldn’t see any light emitted from the remote control.
10. With Apps like Smart Measure (Android), you can measure the distance between two points (e.g Someone’s Height, a building’s height e.t.c).
11. You can Detect Hidden cameras or CCTVs by switching off all the lights and draw the blinds. Switch on your phone camera. Make sure the flashlight is turned off. Turn round the room with the camera still on and check necessary areas in the room too… If you find a red dot, this signifies that a hidden web camera is installed somewhere inside that room. But if no red dot is found, the room is free from hidden cameras. This is not just applicable to rooms but any other dark place with surveillance camera.
13. With OCR Apps like Google Goggles (Android) or TextGrabber (iOS), you can make printed books and documents editable.
14. With apps like RedLaser (Android, iOS, Windows Phone), Your phone can double as a Barcode and QR code scanner.
15. With apps like CamScanner (Android, iOS) and Scanbot (iOS), Your phone can double as your a Scanner(for receipts and other documents you come across).
16. With Google Translate (Android, iOS), you can translate a foreign language by point your camera to the text (e.g on a paper)
18. With Google Image search (Android, iOS, Windows Phone), you can just snap a friend and get some (useful) informations about him.
19. With apps like Magnify (Android), you can read tiny text or see small details by point your camera to them.