A mother and her friend have been jailed for Sellotaping her five-year-old son naked in a cupboard while they went to the seaside with his older sisters

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The terrified boy was left home alone for ten hours as his 40-year-old mother and her 29-year-old friend – who both worked at a school in Bradford, West Yorkshire – went to Blackpool, Lancashire.
He was stripped, locked in a darkened cupboard in an empty house with only fruit and water and was sickeningly found in his own excrement when the family finally returned at 9.30pm.The youngster was also beaten around the head with a metal pole and hit with a stiletto shoe heel in a prolonged campaign of hatred towards him,
More details when you continue….
Both Muslim women showed no emotion as they were jailed – the mother for two-and-half years and her friend for four years – by a judge who criticised their ‘deliberate scapegoating’ of the boy.
The women, who cannot be named to protect the identity of the boy, became close friends after the mother’s abusive husband walked out of the marriage, leaving her to bring up three children alone.
Judge Peter Hunt said the friend’s relationship with the defenceless boy was ‘highly dysfunctional’ and he was in fear of her, adding: ‘You meted out punishment to him of a very cruel nature indeed.’