Pokédates aims to get single Pokémon Go players to meet up at a prearranged “PokéStop or “PokéGym” before exploring their city for Pikachus, Squirtles, and the elusive Mewtwo.
The service coordinates the entire “Pokémon Go” date, from selecting the match to finding a time based on members’ provided availability, and selecting the most convenient PokéStop or PokéGym to meet up at.
It was launched by a dating app company Project Fixup and this is what they had to say about PokéDates:
We believe that dating should be about getting out there, meeting new people, and enjoying the world around… not sitting on your computer browsing, swiping, and messaging back and forth. Project Fixup is about OFFline dating, and saving you the hours of time you would spend online to end up with the same date. Project Fixup is for anyone that is single and up for getting fixed up! We cater to all ages, races, and gender identities.
This is how it works: PokéDates users enter their availability into the app, then the app helps them find a date to meet up and catch Pokémon with. While the first date a user matches with is free, further match-ups cost $20 per date.