Adeboye say couples marrying within the church made it easier for the pastors to handle when trouble comes. The well revered man of God was also quoted as saying,
“don’t ever marry outside the church and you have no reason to marry outside RCCG. The reason is that if you are both from the same church even when trouble comes it is easier for the pastors to handle it!
“Don’t marry a girl simply because she can sing! In the choir there are some people that can sing but they are fallen angels! Marry a prayer warrior! If a girl cannot pray for one hour, don’t marry her. Don’t marry a girl who is lazy!”
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“Don’t marry a girl who cannot cook, she needs to know how to do chores and cook because you cannot afford to be eating out all the time. Don’t marry a girl who is worldly! If you do, you have carried what you’ll worship for the rest of your life!
Worried about various reports of arranged marriages among brethren some of which have been linked to various disruptions in several relationships, Pastor Adeboye also decreed that no RCCG pastor should be seen to be involved in arranging marriages among brethren in the church.
ALSO READ: Pastor Adeboye Warns RCCG Pastors to Stop Growing Beards Like Terrorists From Al-Qaeda